
Weird .
Kinda weird .
No ! Its almost weird .
Hmmm or should i say that you're really a weirdo ?

Cannot do this , cannot do that blablablablaaaaa but why ?
Are you hiding something from me ?
Come on laa .. i hate being in this "pelik" situation .

Why you have to act like this ? You said that theres nothing that you're hiding from me but the question is WHY YOU'RE BEING LIKE THIS , ACT LIKE THIS ?

I hate surprise . Jangan kejutkan aku dgn benda yg boleh bikin aku lambung meja atas kepala kau . JANGAN . Angin monsun barat daya aku memang lain machiam sikit .
Try me lah if you wanna know .

Aku tak suka duduk dlm teka teki . Cause i hate to thinks . Lembab . Biar kita jujur , daripada berahsia . Rahsia yg menyakitkan terutamanya . Hmm sudah lah . Buang masa saja .

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